AWS Blog Posts

Cloud and Sustainability

One of the very important topics, maybe even the topic of our generation is sustainability. The world is currently facing an unprecedented energy crisis coupled with a threat to the existence of the delicate ecosystem that allows us to live on this planet. With the increase in population, growth of industry and ever increasing use…

AWS re:Invent 2022 re:cap – Part 2 Networking and Compute Services

Every year AWS hosts a learning conference, for the global cloud community, called re:Invent. It brings the global AWS community together in Vegas for 5 days of feature keynotes, announcements, in depth training, certifications and interactions with partners and customers. Post pandemic, 2022 was the first opportunity to host the event back at full capacity in…

Cloud Shared Responsibility Model – Why is it important

The wide spread appeal for public cloud services and providers has been driven by the speed of innovation and agility provided. Every year new services and features are launched that ensure customers can focus on their business and leave the undifferentiated heavy lifting to the cloud providers. Often one of the assumption customers have when…


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